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Julia MacCallum, MD, MPH (she/her) is a Generalist Ob/Gyn physician and Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. In her current role, she directs medical student education in the university's Ob/Gyn Department. She works as a hospitalist, focusing on caring for birthing people in the hospital environment. She is working to grow her understanding of and practice of supporting physiologic birth in an academic hospital setting. Julia believes in the importance of shared decision making and ongoing affirmative consent in the context of medical care. She wants to center and empower birthing people to make the right decisions for themselves and their families and communities. Julia is always seeking to create more space for life in the work-life balance equation and most highly values being present with her family as a wife and mother. She loves spending time outside, cooking, knitting, and practicing yoga.

Learn more about Julia MacCallum here

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